Saturday 5 July 2008

His fame is their fortune

Big budge American series are everywhere at the moment, spreading movie style effects, acting and filming over multiple episodes to grip audiences everywhere.
Now personally I'm very hit and miss with these programmes. I never got into 24, I lost Lost after the first season and the same happened with Heroes. So when a friend came over and said he was bringing a DVD, I thought a movie was inbound. But no, he made me sit through the first two episodes of one of these American shows.

And to my surprise, I enjoyed it. The show in question is Entourage. Many people in the U.K. will probably be wondering what the hell I am on about.
This is because, ITV bought the rights to this show, and screened it on ITV2, which is all sounding good so far. But, some bright spark in the publicity department decided to try to advertise it as Sex and the City for men.

The premise of the show is that we follow Vince, a young man who has just broken into to Hollywood A-list and looks like being a big star. Joining him on this adventure are his two childhood friends and his brother. Eric is the kind of friend that a new star would need, level headed, loyal and always with Vince's best interest at heart. Turtle is another friend along for the ride that flicks between selfish and selfless. Finally Drama, the idiot brother of Vince and one time network TV star. There is also a fifth character, celebrity agent Arie.

With the exception of Eric, all of the characters are self obsessed, with not a likeable human being amongst them. But I still ended up caring about them. This is because of some fantastic writing, the chemistry between the five guys is brilliant and the cameos from real celebrities are well judged. I emplore anyone who has not seen this show to watch an episode and judge for themselves.

And as a final note, Jemery Piven who plays Arie, won an Emmy for his role, its not hard to see why.

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